We want to recognize and give special thanks to the following:
- Jeremy Perkins & Perkins Landscaping for mowing and maintenance.
- John Taylor for signage, trail development and consultation
- Upper Valley Trails Alliance for sponsorship
- Ottauquechee Health Foundation for grant support
- Matt Osborne for town of Hartford support in trail development
- Dave Clark for maintaining the river side of the trail
- F. X. Flinn for website & marketing
- Shelly Yusko for tractor work on trails
- R. J. Jenks for tree cutting and trail work
- Rich Liscinsky for signage and procurement
- Ron Dull for boardwalks and trail maintenance and press
- Kim Dull for sign painting
- Perkins Landscaping for the chip stone used to make the trail bed in front of the Quechee Inn
- Ken Lallier for trail development and maintenance
- Phil & Jan Meyer for trails day help
- Quechee Lakes Landowners’ Association for donation of materials, labor and equipment for the boardwalks
- Ottauquechee School kids for bark mulching
- Hartford Tech kids for chain saw work
- Vermont Christian School kids for spreading mulch
And to everyone who has donated $$ to the cause!